Covid update

In light of recent developments and imposed restrictions, the Government and Fair Work has updated its support for businesses affected by Covid-19. These updates include:

1. NSW Rescue Package.

A rescue package for NSW businesses impacted by the current lockdown has been announced which will see eligible businesses able to access either grants or payment deferments.

  • Grants of either $5000, $7000 or $10,000 (amount dependant on turnover impact) will be available to eligible small businesses of 20 or fewer employees.
  1. A tourism or hospitality related business can claim the grants if its turnover is less than $10 million each year.
  2. Deferrals for payroll tax will be available to all businesses.

The Service NSW website will be updated with full criteria and details.

2. Recommendations for when workplaces shut quickly because of a lockdown.
Fair Work have outlined some options available to workplaces should temporary lock downs occur until the vaccination roll out has been completed including:

  1. Working from home;
  2. Changes in working hours and duties;
  3. Enforceable government directions and stand downs
  4. Taking care of a child;
  5. Taking leave;
  6. Border closures: pay and leave options;
  7. Government support;
  8. Mental health support.

For more information on each of the above please Click Here.

3. Leave availability and use when a business is affected by COVID.
There are a number of leave options available should an employee be unable to work due to covid related reasons and/or need to quarantine or isolate including:

  1. Annual leave;
  2. Annual leave at half pay;
  3. Unpaid pandemic leave;
  4. Sick and carer’s leave;
  5. Unpaid leave and other paid leave.

For more information on employee leave availability please Click Here.

4. Face Mask Requirements.
Given the recent outbreak, face mask rules have changed to ensure greater community protection and reduced transmission.
Places face masks are now required include:

  1. Public transport;
  2. Non-residential indoor areas (including workplaces); and
  3. Airports and commercial domestic flights.

For further information regarding the updated changes along with who is required to wear a mask and exemptions please visit the Service NSW website by Clicking Here.
We will continue to update as events progress however please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like any further information regarding the above or have any questions specific to your business.