Hospitality and Liquor Licensing Alert

Amendments to the Liquor Regulation 2018 (NSW) recently came into effect, requiring Licensees and Approved Managers in New South Wales to undertake special mandatory training.

Training Courses

The new training requirements are in addition to the existing requirements to hold responsible service of alcohol (RSA) and responsible conduct of gambling (RCG) certification.

There are two new mandatory training courses:

Licensee course; and

Advanced Licensee course.

Generally, all Licensees and Approved Managers will be required to complete the “Licensee Course.” In addition Licensees and Approved Managers of venues that are authorised to trade after midnight, will also be required to complete the “Advanced Licensee Course”.

It is important to note that training must be conducted by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), that is approved by Liquor & Gaming NSW to conduct this mandatory training.  A list of approved RTO’s providing this training can be found on LGNSW’s website here.

The “Licensee Course” is scheduled to take a minimum of six hours to complete, whilst the “Advanced Licensee Course” is scheduled to take a minimum of a further four hours to complete.

Key Dates

For new Licensee’s and Approved Managers, who have been appointed to their current role since 1 September 2018, training must be completed prior to 30 May 2019. This includes experienced Licensee’s and Approved Managers who have been appointed to their current role via a liquor licence transfer since 1 September 2018.

For Licensees and Approved Managers appointed to their roles prior to 1 September 2018, training must be completed prior to their existing RSA competency card expiring.

Mandatory “Licensee Course” refresher training must be conducted every five years after the completion of the course.

Clients seeking to effectuate future liquor licence transfers should ensure that the proposed Licensee or Approved Manager has completed the appropriate mandatory training before lodging the transfer application and that this has been endorsed on their RSA competency card.

For further information or queries regarding this or any other hospitality and liquor licensing related issues, please contact the experienced team at Osborn Law.